Article Week 4

By: Douglas Munson


Violence in Honduras

          In Honduras last Friday masked gunmen opened fire on four SUV vehicles as they left the parking lot of an airport in northern Honduras, shooting six men that were killed and wounding three. I think this is a real tragedy that this happened at an airport. This shows us how they need to improve the security and the threat of International violence. The police do not know the victims’ names and they are still on a hunt for them. The Police have been looking for some of their weapons so they can get finger prints but they have not found any of them yet. The drug cartels operate cocaine-trafficking routes in northern and eastern Honduras and this was most likely why the gangs were fighting.

          In Central America they need to stop all the drug violence and all the problems because it causes many other problems in the country and make the civilians scared. I am not sure of a good plan to stop all the drug violence in Central America. But the International Police and anybody else that is involved in the crimes there need to come up with a plan, FAST.

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